The Voices | Teen Ink

The Voices

February 12, 2009
By Haley Gonzales BRONZE, Mount Dora, Florida
Haley Gonzales BRONZE, Mount Dora, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I don't know. Couldn't find the reasons. Only for a second. That's what THEY yelled. THEY were voices. Always there. But not always clear. I sometimes thought. Thought they were real. I tryed to ignore them. It worked for a little while. Then came distractions. Say FAREWELL. It was like food for all the voices. Minutes, Hours, Days, Maybe Weeks. They all passed so quickly. I thought I was stronger than the voices. But they overpowered me. Then I became self-conscious. I looked for HELP. I cryed in PAIN. I screamed so LOUD. And still NO ONE CAME. Am I REAL? Or Just Insane? Why does it hurt? How'd I get here. "Come this way!" that's what THEY say. So I follow. Am I to BLAME? "Pick it up!" The voice yelled out. I flinched at the rough sound. Next thing I know. I am on the ground, CRYING and BLEEDING.

The author's comments:
this is a poem that i wrote while under alot of stress (which is almost everyday of my life) and when i wrote it i just let my thoughts and my pen do the work. have you ever been in a room full of people and still felt ALONE?!? well i feel like that pretty much everyday of my life. it's not always fun and sometimes it causes problem! too bad....just be glad you're not dead! (THIS POEM WAS WROTE ON 12.04.08)

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