I'm Done | Teen Ink

I'm Done

February 11, 2009
By LadyHaley GOLD, The Colony, Texas
LadyHaley GOLD, The Colony, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

What happened to you?

What happened to the nice and funny boy from last year?

I want him back,

I'm done,

One day you say were friends,

The next you say you can choose your own friends and don't choose me,

Your just one of those popular jerks,

I'm done,

Since you became 'popular' you can't be seen talking to me,

You blame me for spreading rumors about you,

I'm done,

You let your friends call me mean stuff like stupid ho,

Your just one of those popular jerks,

I'm done,

I'm done being treated like this,

I'm done,

Bye Forever!

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