Trust | Teen Ink


February 10, 2009
By LauraGene Mackling GOLD, Emerson, Nebraska
LauraGene Mackling GOLD, Emerson, Nebraska
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're the only thing that has meant anything to me.
But you broke my heart in two.
You went and cheated on me out of the blue.
Now we sit here wondering what is going on and becoming of us.
What are we to do?
We decide to go our separate ways.

Years fly by and we see that we miss each other more than ever.
When we see each other while walking down the street,
And we smile and greet one another.
But inside all we're doing is rotting away.
We never tell one another how we feel.
Never say how we are doing.

We start to see other people.
But we can't hold on to the ones we're with.
We still seek for what we had.
But everywhere we look, it's nowhere to be found.
So we try it again.
And we think of how to make things work.

Months fly by and we are back at where we were.
You defied my trust,
broke everything we had and stood for.
But there is only one thing that is keeping us together.
She is seven pounds and five ounces.
Her name is Adaliene.
She came into this world not knowing.

Now here we are seven years down the road.
And as we see that this young baby,
is what brought us together even more?
Now she is no baby anymore.
She is a little lady.
She still doesn't know.

Here we sit looking at a girl all grown up.
Wondering what will become of us now.
She is off to college,
Starting a new life.
And what do we do now.
We see that now she knows.

We try to cover it up,
make it disappear.
But she can see right through it.
She feels as if its her fault.
The only reason why we stayed.
But actually we didn't.

We stayed together for one reason only.
The love for one another is the reason why.
We try to tell her,
But she didn't believe.
Now we are back where we started.
What do we do now?

Now we are without a daughter.
Here we are days down the road.
And see that our baby doesn't want us anymore.
She lives a life with us not knowing.
But she then sees that we do love each other,
More than even we can see.

We try to work things out between one another.
And see that we were meant to be.
And our little baby is now having a baby of her own.
We now can see that she was right all along.
And that we were meant to be.

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