Hunted souls | Teen Ink

Hunted souls

February 9, 2009
By wolfethunter BRONZE, Avella, Pennsylvania
wolfethunter BRONZE, Avella, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They watch the souls of living beings mortals' holding tight to life; for the immortality of our lives does not extend to them. A man plays with his son, a mother teaches her daughter to bake but we, us as creatures teach our children to fight and protect. Protect the humans from things the can not see and help the souls that are weak move on. We hide from the eyes that seek to kill us and emerge to the eyes that seek death the pentagram is our mark the blood we spill is for the safety of life that is held dearly to the ones who selfishly kill others by actions of war we seek the souls that need saved we protect the ones that don't and we help to hide life's greatest mysteries. We cling to the shadows and sing to the moon we live among animals and humans and we are the only protection between the worlds with out us humans would lose and with out us the world would be destroyed. The shadows are our home and we seek our prey from the shadows.

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