Where do you think our dreams go? | Teen Ink

Where do you think our dreams go?

February 7, 2009
By mered PLATINUM, Canton, Georgia
mered PLATINUM, Canton, Georgia
24 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Where do you think our dreams go?
When we make a wish or hope and dream that maybe, just maybe,
what we believe will actually come true?

Do they just vanish into thin air?
Do they fall to the ground like a deflated balloon?

Or do they fly away like a leaf in the wind?

Do our wishes stay inside of our hearts?
They wait for us to make a genuine wish.
Hold our eyes shut closed so nothing distracts our thoughts.
Tilt our head up to the sky.
Believe that in one little point in space,
Our future awaits us.

I believe they rise up to the stars,
Sit down,
And wait.

They wait for us to keep wishing,
And maybe one day,
We will wish upon that lucky star.

And we see our dreams fly through the air.
Our hearts will beat faster and stronger as every second ticks by us.
Our soul will know,
That our dreams are coming true.

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