Love Deceits | Teen Ink

Love Deceits

February 7, 2009
By JorgeL BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
JorgeL BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Through ticking and with a profound sincerity,
Ladies with names, the dreamers without reveries,
Make duplicity by the proposal of the heart and soul;

There are these things that wilt by being beheaded from love,
That encounters the fallen world on a rose?s hue;

These things are without moral-nature;

Fraudulence deceits, telling us the secrets of the kings;

With such dulcet bravery triumphs,
And falls dreadfully by a weakened heart;

So with these morals which lay upon parchment,
It is that once in love, one falls in the hands of the punter;

A dime will be spend though gold is rich,The hoary with pearls is wise yet imprudent,

For although the sphere turns, thus change occurs,

Seasons be seasons,
And times are timed with the retention of memory.

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