Looking for Lucy | Teen Ink

Looking for Lucy

February 7, 2009
By Born2Ride BRONZE, Jacksonvile, Florida
Born2Ride BRONZE, Jacksonvile, Florida
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

the little white dog sniffed the room
ears up
tail up
eyes bright and alert

She sniffed the cage
walked up expectantly
ears up
tail up
eyes bright and alert
as I watched her search

The little white do with brown spots
walked away from the cage dissapointed
ears back
tail down
eyes sad and lost

She walked into my arms
looking for someone she'll never find
ears back
tail down
eyes sad and lost
tears welled in my eyes

The little white dog with the brown spots and the black tipped ears and I
cried for Lucy, who was never comming back
ears unhearing
tail never to wag again
eyes closed
finally at peace
if only it were the same for us

The author's comments:
this is a story about my deceased dog Lucy and my other dog Sweetie who still looks for her, always hopeful, always faithful.

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