AEP!!! | Teen Ink


February 11, 2009
By good_emotional BRONZE, Rhome, Texas
good_emotional BRONZE, Rhome, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can't hear the ticking of a clock anymore.
I can't see the outside world.
All I see is the walls that surround me.
The classes last forever it seems.
No one talks to me.
I just sit alone and read'.
Why am I here?
I don't belong here!
I want my friends!
The simple chatter of the little problems we High Schooler's have!
I want my Boyfriend's arm around me again.
Holding me close so that I don't' end up here again.

The restroom breaks here are scheduled.
I can't have a bag or a purse.
I can't have 'open-containers''.
Why so many rules for such a small amount of kids.
I miss the freedoms I once had, the roar of the band playing as I attempt to keep up.
The missed notes now seem like a distant memory.
I long for them again yet I still must wait.
On the 25th I will be 'evaluated.'
It makes no sense to me why the kids who are harmless are here.
Yet the kids who are actually a danger to society are free to roam the land.

We carry everything around.
The classes aren't by grade-level.
The lunches are cold.
No one cares about the way we feel.
We are delinquents in their eyes.
A danger to society is all they see.
But some of us aren't even meant to be here.
I am innocent.
I was just playing around'.
I miss the early mornings.
The way my alarm bugged me at 5AM now haunts my dreams.
Taunting me is its favorite past time.

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