The Magic Vase | Teen Ink

The Magic Vase

February 4, 2009
By andrea brooks BRONZE, Milton, New Hampshire
andrea brooks BRONZE, Milton, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time in a far away land
Belle opened a gift she thought would be grand
Disappointment filled her petite little face
When she saw what she got was only a vase
What do I do with the big hunk of glass?
She asked her mother with a slight sense of sass
It is magic her mother replied
And Belle looked at her as if she had lied
The sky blue glass shimmered in the light
She couldn't believe the beautiful sight
The smooth glass mirrored her reflection
Hen she turned in her mother's direction
Magic you say? What does it do?
Belle's mother replied, it will make your wishes come true
Gently stroking the tall vase
Her wish wasn't coming true and she began to pace
It's not working Belle shouted
And she stood there for a moment and pouted
She grabbed the glass and whipped it at her mother's face
And yelled, ' That's for getting me a stupid vase! '

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