what you think | Teen Ink

what you think

November 2, 2015
By DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
DianaK1228 SILVER, Long Valley, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Its not who created you that's to blame, it's yourself, you created yourself.

you think everyone loves you

they hate you

we slip you the answer

to give you a clue

your everywhere....sometimes out of state 

so many questions eating away at you

you think everyone loves you when they hate you 

dont think the world is all about you

your out of place, out of state

but what do you care? 

you think everyone loves you, when they dont

The author's comments:

sadly i wrote this from the inspiration of a girl in my school or really alot of girls and guys. they think there all that matters and that people love them and like them when they dont. so this came to me when in study hall and i wrote it. :) i hope you liked it. 

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