Beautiful is what she is | Teen Ink

Beautiful is what she is

October 23, 2015
By VannaKidd BRONZE, Stanford, Kentucky
VannaKidd BRONZE, Stanford, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She felt so hurt and destroyed inside,
Where no one ever heard her cries,
She was shouting out with hope and in fear,
But no one ever saw her tears.
She smiles so happy, but with her eyes she was weak.
Let someone in, let someone take a peak,
She was at her breaking point.
No one will ever understand,
She just wanted the love of a man.
She starts taking chances.
She starts letting people in,
And now her new happy life begins.
She starts to smile, not only with her mouth,
But with her eyes,
she was clear from doubt.
Her beauty shines through to a new beginning.
She starts to show love with every text message that's sending.
He walks in her life so handsome and so tall,
Before she knew it, she began to fall,
A few years go by and he ends it all.
She is back where she started,
So empty, so small,
This man has destroyed her,
Heart and all.
She picked up the pieces because she knew was not done,
Slowly but surely she moved right along.
From this day forward she understands,
To live in this life, you don't have to have a man.
She has her smile back and is as happy as ever,
She realizes this life that she lives is so much better. 

~Savanna Kidd

The author's comments:

Inspired by broken hearted women who become independent.

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