The Cycle of Life | Teen Ink

The Cycle of Life

October 19, 2015
By FanGirl29 GOLD, Severn, Maryland
FanGirl29 GOLD, Severn, Maryland
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The world is a very sick place,

I realized that a long time ago,

It is ruled by fear and power.

If you are so unlucky that you become a world leader,

Then you will be terrified for your life,

Not so much your country.

You'll be terrified because if you so much as move an inch in the wrong direction,

It will become a game of who has the biggest and fanciest gun to point at your head.

Life is a funny thing now a days.

At some points you will be flying high in the sky,

The happiest you've ever been.

But then gravity pulls you down,

And you faceplant onto the ground.

It lifts you up again,

Giving you a little hope,

Then slams you back down.

This keeps going over and over,

Until you are bruised and cut.

Eventually, someone will come around,

Help you to your feet,

Brush the dust off you,

Heal you,

And make you feel good again,

Like your worth something.

You fly free once more.

Well, that is until a meteor called Reality comes crashing down.

It happens so quick that you lay stunned on the ground,

Unable to move.

Until somebody rolls the rock off of you,

Picks you up,

Tells you it'll be okay,

Heals you,

And lifts you up into the sky again.

Then, the cycle repeats itself.

Life is full of suffering, pain, and misery,

I'm reminded everyday,

But don't kill yourself over it!

There will be bad days,

There will be terrible days,

Sometimes even horrible weeks!

Look foreward to those moments of happiness, 

Because they will be the best of your life.

Also look around for others who are struck down or caged as well.

Set them free,

Tell them it'll be okay,

Heal them,

Make them feel good about themselves,

And fly with them.

Then, maybe the group will be too numerous for Life and Reality to strike us down.

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