r.i.p. f.a.e. | Teen Ink

r.i.p. f.a.e.

January 29, 2009
By Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Someone said to me "forever"
and I asked them what it meant
when love is wanted, missing,
and we don't know where it went
I tried the word out once or twice
and it kept sounding wrong
because through the salt and acid
my lips still moved in song
and the air was sweet perfume,
and I sat inside my room
and a world became a tomb.
It seemed it took a lifetime
and so it was over soon,
and the future gave up fighting
while the trees were still in bloom.
I kept looking over years and years
the looking cost me dear
I couldn't always help the tears
and I could never shake the fear.
As the stricken cities watch
as the mighty empires fall
as the beauty of a touch
becomes the coldness of a wall
and all the things that once were great
become the sad and small
and the things I would have died for,
now the things I can't recall...
Once you said to me "forever"
and I asked you what it meant
when perfection's a percentage
and the good are not content
and when June becomes September
and I'm trying to remember
I'll be wondering again
just to see if I still can
and I wish you were here
because if you were here
I would be home right now.

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