A Love Poem for Winter | Teen Ink

A Love Poem for Winter

January 30, 2009
By Cam Cunningham SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cam Cunningham SILVER, Cincinnati, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A chill so cold it can freeze my skin
Permeates outside through the brisk wind,
But until you abandon our cabin in the hills,
I'll look out from the window with you
Admiring the lucid view.

Cold moves swift, like a lover's bliss.
But such a blithe lover
Would never allow their other
To be immured by the foreign snow,
Frost, biting air, and bruiting trees
Drying fair skin and making brittle
The lover's reassuring touch
In the bleak weather's nestle
Inside your coat and gloves
Between your hands and your love.

After an encounter with the matrix, winter,
We wither and ensconce
Like the twigs of a bird's nest,
And all we have left
Is abstract;
It must be expressed.

Despite the tundra and stolen auspices,
We retreat to our burrow and melt the ice
With the heat of your body against mine.
The brutal environment has attached
To the feet and hands,
So discreetly.
And will continue
Until our fire burns the remnants
Of the outside world's blue.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 13 2010 at 12:58 pm
Ms.ClaptonIsGod, West Hartford, Connecticut
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
A wounded deer leaps the highest.

This was soooo good! I love the line "we wither and ensconce". Really pretty!