Conversation With a Drug | Teen Ink

Conversation With a Drug

July 31, 2015
By Christabella SILVER, Olean, New York
Christabella SILVER, Olean, New York
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You say if I take in more then I won't feel the pain

You said that if I breathe you in i will fly like a plain

The lies you feed me will lead to my death

You and your family will bring me to my last breath

You say that I am only rude and ungrateful

But you are a liar that is distasteful

When things don't go my way you offer yourself to me

You bring along your friend ecstasy

When I pass out you can only smile

Knowing you have me hooked for a long while


There is no blaming you, my friends, or an adult

I am the one at fault

I was the one who chose to get high 

Now I am the one who will say goodbye

To my life, my dreams, and my future

No one is cool for doing drugs because it only makes you a loser

The author's comments:

It is not cool to do drugs! I hope people understand that. Why this away a perfectly great future for something so ridiculously costly and painful. We were warned so many times. Get the hint and don't do drugs!!!

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