Why? | Teen Ink


January 24, 2009
By Anonymous


Why did you have to move away?
I felt empty without you
You were my best friend
And I thought you were here to stay

Why couldn't our parents stay friends?
You were my friend when I had none
But slowly we drifted apart
And we can no longer pretend

Why did I become your trash girl?
Your servant
We used to be best friends
Now you make me want to hurl

Why do you act like I'm not there
But when we're alone I'm your best friend
I still consider you my BFF
But I'm wary to see if you care

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on Jul. 16 2009 at 8:17 pm
YogaGirl SILVER, Williamstown, New York
9 articles 5 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can clearly see you're the daughter of a mother's aunt's grand-mother's uncle's father's grandaughter's daughter."~~~ "Wouldn't that make me a poptart?!"

this is quite... sad. But good.