The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

January 22, 2009
By Gina Armini BRONZE, Nipomo, California
Gina Armini BRONZE, Nipomo, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the blind light of the sea,
Far enough to where the world ends
And another begins,
We'll take this dream and bring it to life.
We'll grow it taller than every faded sunset
And each broken heart we've ever felt.
Its breath will taste sweeter in the rain,
Filling our lungs in ways only heard
In our lips as we smile.
And as the sun falls to the horizon,
We'll finally discover the wonder
We've roped our minds around
And pulled in so closely;
The one whose light we've eternally doubted.
On this delicate hand, we see
The other side of the moon.

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