Far away love | Teen Ink

Far away love

January 21, 2009
By Anonymous

Looking at the clouds, as if I am the sun
All I want is to be is your only one.
Not seeing you, feeling you, or talking to you,
Make’s me want to run away.
Sometimes I just lay awake and pray,
Hoping you return safely one day.
I close my eyes at night thinking of all the good times,
Realizing we never had any that were to bad.
I know everyone has their flaws,
But you haven’t broken out your claws.
You make me smile, laugh, and you brighten my day
That’s one thing I never want to go away.
Seeing the park where we met,
Is one thing that I will never regret.
It’s the one place we met
And it’s where my heart sunk into my chest.

Then I turn and look at your pictures, I think of many things,
Not knowing when you will return and if things changed.
Hearing songs on the radio that remind me of you,
No one realizes that this love is new.
I watch the news to see what is going on,
Deaths left and right, praying your not one.
I see gun shot battles, and bombs going off,
Realizing that this would be nothing for a cop

This love is nothing fake,
Nor is it a mere mistake.
When I saw you at the park that summer,
I knew I wanted to be your only one forever.
You could have became anything you wanted to in life,
Marine is what you chose and now it’s your new life.
Our physical love is so far away right now,
But I keep your love in my heart,
Beating, every step of the way.

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