Poetry Farenheit 451 | Teen Ink

Poetry Farenheit 451

May 26, 2015
By s.f.khan BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
s.f.khan BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She says you should do a bit more than just you conscious."
-Khan, Subul

Her eyes turned to stone, her tears so fly. They loved each other unknowingly, one day it bacame to hard for her to carry the truth. She let go. All that remained was a blank white memory of him and her. He had not commited a crime, but sometimes athorties out weigh society and society out weighs us. Thats what they call a "system". All he needed was a spark. That spark Clarisse Mcallen, she made him think "Does burning books and fire really please you?" All toghter they burned to bright, unfortunatly they were surronded by a lot of sand, and the seive wasnt strong enough to hold all the sand. The water was just at the didtance.

The author's comments:

This peice refers to the story Farenheit 451

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