Pretenses | Teen Ink


January 15, 2009
By Anonymous

Whirlwinds of color intertwine with the night
Connecting the dots in star filled skies
This masquerade serves as my beautiful prison
My asylum of painted faces
All the guests of the house who garb in fancy masks
Take cover behind their false composure
Bleeding into the sea of social refinement
Spinning in dances of deception
I would hide in their sight but with heated glowers
From beaded eyes I go not unseen
Envy displays their vain pettiness
The pearls that caught their eyes and created own desire
Are nothing more then shackles and bonds
These bracelets are naught but iron clasps aside
All this fake beauty fueled by these lies
From my frozen face to weeping eyes
I hide hoping to be sparred of wandering sight
One look into her ashen blue eyes
It would surely be my end if ever I saw
Composure will be the mask I wear
Tonight among the guests are the lords and ladies
The men and the gentlemen alike
Nay to merry gentlemen who ask for dances
I could not for shame for shame could not
To dance is to die for madam would clearly see
I pray thee good eve for air is thin
To slip by slid by and make my escape tonight
I’ll have but to dare to cross her path
In golden fury of the forsaken she comes
Eyes like daggers and frozen in time
I bound ahead slither through cracks that she had not
Wise madness and traitorous luck guide
A life of opposites so opposite as mine
To be sure this night will be no more
A final deed be given one last reminder
Off with the mask and off with the pain
I drop it down and leave it left upon the frame
Goodbye to the night onto the day
Freedom is worth more then I can say

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