The Hardship of Writing | Teen Ink

The Hardship of Writing

January 13, 2009
By Anonymous

That white paper mocks me!
Telling me it’s just a dream.
Words after words I scribble out,
Can’t stand the look or sound,
The clock jumps from the hours,
And now the paper turns sour.
One line,
Tow lines,
Three, four five!
The same thing happens,
Every signal time,
Destroy what’s useless,
And write again,
Put this,
Rhyme that!
No it can’t fit,
Crumble the paper and away I go,
Write this,
Put that!
Oh! What a master peace,
Put it away for no one to see.
Once more,
Let’s try again,
I wan to see what I can make,
Create a world with word phrase.

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