one sentence poems | Teen Ink

one sentence poems

April 24, 2015
By outdoor SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
outdoor SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1)The duck swam through the pond with a smile upon its face.

2) The football coach took a clipboard and smashed it upon his own knee, the team has lost with defeat.

3) The children laughed and play as the tried to tag one another on the playground.

4) Lights, sounds, and fear was seen and heard when a line of firetrucks, cop cars, and ambulances drive by.

5) The bell ranged, school has started the students continue to talk to another about their lives and secrets about the teacher.

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on May. 24 2015 at 2:47 am
Ray--yo PLATINUM, Kathmandu, Other
43 articles 2 photos 581 comments

Favorite Quote:
God Makes No Mistakes. (Gaga?)
"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right." -Liesel Meminger via Markus Zusac, "The Book Thief"

Nice work! I read the first poem as 'dusk' first, and I hope you don't mind my saying it sounded more poetic (than it already is). But still, this is very interesting to see.