They Never Tried | Teen Ink

They Never Tried

April 22, 2015
By Coda17 BRONZE, Wingate, North Carolina
Coda17 BRONZE, Wingate, North Carolina
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't wait to tell someone you love them. We aren't promised tomorrow."

They said you were too distant to save,

That your heart was too far gone.

They talked you up like you were

Lost in some sort of hellacious land,

Like all hopes of getting you back

Were useless.

But in reality,

They'd never even tried to touch you.


They all assumed you were unreachable.

Just because they couldn't throw

Their arm up and you be there.

All it would've taken to hold your heart

Was for someone to actually try,

But no one was willing to strain themselves,

Even a little,

To see if they could reach you.

The author's comments:

I've met a lot of people who are kind of broken, lost and hurt. They've somehow come to the conclusion that they're unsavable, and that's not their fault. It's ours. People say they care, but do they really? Most don't. Most don't care to go after something that doesn't include a bonus for them. That's why we have so many broken hearted people in this world. No one cares to give up their time, their energy, their effort, to go after someone not guarenteed to respond in a way that is profitable to them. It's time we step it up, folks.

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