Slaying Memories | Teen Ink

Slaying Memories

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

The wind blows in the sound of a distant train. Rain begins to pour.
The thought of your name makes me want to cry.
The hurt that is going through my veins, straight to my heart,
Pulls me closer and closer to the end of my time.

The fears that I had of losing you, all came true.
The love that was once there is now a fading memory,
Lost in some far away place,
Not knowing where to go or who to slay next.

My heart is starting to mend for the first time in years.
Trying to find something to replace it.
Someone else who can take the pain away
And make me forget your name.

The love that I have been searching for is finally found.
A love that does not hurt but puts peace in my mind.
Love that lasts for a lifetime.
My love that I have for someone else.

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