love forbidden | Teen Ink

love forbidden

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

you weren’t looking
but found me.
coincidence? mistake?
no, fate.
i, not nearly ready to love
again. you, ready to take chances,
a chance on me.
in my same eyes I saw fear
while you saw beauty
someone worth chasing for
worth fighting for
worth lying for.
even to her, whom i am a part of.
never give in to what they think.
you told me this mom, and i
will listen. even if they is you.
him and i are two people,
not different species
not separated by shade or race
but joined by love and grace
our hearts open
and for each other.
how dare you judge,
call us forbidden.
you are human, seeing
with eyes of
error and misconception.
He does not see through
those eyes.
He cherishes love,
even ours.
i answer to Him
the only One who
need be answered to.
my hands intertwine so
nicely in his.
eyes meet, emotions fly
young love, the purest of all,
but still strong enough to overcome.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because recently I have become a part of a very complicated but very valuable interracial relationship. It hasn't been the easiest on me, my boyfriend, or my family, but I know that it is all worth it. But I wrote this to show that even though this love is supported by other ones I love, I go through with it anyway because I have seen God in this relationship, and that is something worth fighting for and struggling for.

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This article has 1 comment.

melinda13 said...
on Jan. 30 2009 at 2:27 am
Alexa, that is a really good poem. I now what this poem stands for. It's beautiful. Nice job.