The Heart and Soul | Teen Ink

The Heart and Soul

January 11, 2009
By Anonymous

Let the heart be soft and compassionate.
Let it help and give warmth to everyone.
Let it change into better things for all.
This is bound to happen to everyone.

It shall make people happy and excited.
This shall only happen when good is done.
Otherwise you shall make other people unhappy.
You should lift other people’s spirits up.

Make them smile and laugh for a while.
Make it so they share their heart with others.
Make it useful to and for everyone.
This will make you loved and unselfish.

You shall always make God happy this way.
Think about it for a while longer.

The author's comments:
This piece is one that I hope will make the reader thik about the subject which is the heart and the soul and how important they are.

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