No Fracture | Teen Ink

No Fracture

January 12, 2009
By Anonymous

The one thing I thought I had going for me has just vanished.
The earth beneath me has just crumbled and there is no foundation for me to stand upon.
My knees are shaky, my legs covered with purple patches of pain… but there is no fracture.
I know those patches will fade and eventually disappear although right now the pain consumes me.
Eventually I will have to build up from the nothingness that is left, but today I can feel the tears streaming down my dirt covered face as the thought of my future races through my head.
What was once so real yesterday has become merely a figment of my imagination.
Although, seeming only impossible now I can overcome this heap of dirt that has become of my life.
I can mold it into something different, unexpected; there may be purple patches of pain, but there is no fracture.

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