The Play | Teen Ink

The Play

January 28, 2015
By Andrew Ayers SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
Andrew Ayers SILVER, Dennison, Minnesota
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A football play is not very long,  just like life.
We have to make the most of every play.
Things can go wrong, anywhere, at anytime.
There are also people trying to stop us.

The quarterback can trip while handing the ball off,
or he can throw an interception.

The lineman up front can miss his block,
or he could go the wrong way.

Sometimes, it comes down to the running back
to make the most of the play.

He may stumble,
because every play comes with some obstacles.

It’s up to the running back
to get over those obstacles.

Sometimes he has to go and do his own thing to survive that play,
to leave the men who let him down.

But yet at the same time, those same men who let him down,
can save him.

The quarterback can give him the toss perfectly,
or he can throw a huge bomb for a touchdown.

The lineman can flatten his guy,
and move up and protect the running back.

All of those things can happen and
change in a split second.
So every player has to make the most out of every play.

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