Dear Daddy, this might make you cry | Teen Ink

Dear Daddy, this might make you cry

January 9, 2009
By Anonymous

Dear Daddy, I wouldn’t read this out loud…
Just trust me on this one, don’t read it in a crowd
Dear Daddy, this poem might make you cry
I couldn’t help it, my feelings were simply inside

Dear Daddy, can you write a note to get me out of this dark place?
I don’t know where I am, and what I should do, what an odd mace …
Dear Daddy, can you write a note to get me out of my first kindergarten class?
I am scared of the new kids and school, where can I hide, what if they all laugh?...
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note so I don’t have to get a hair cut?
I don’t like the sharp objects near my little head, but…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note to tell my teacher its okay if I cry?
I am going through a tough time, You’d know Daddy, I tell you every night…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note telling my teacher the truth of why I’m late every day?
I don’t want to get yelled at more than twice a day…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note to get me out of gym?
My tummy really hurts inside but I’m too embarrassed to say why…
Dear Daddy, can you write a note to my friends explaining why I can’t come, don’t tell them the truth?
They already worry enough, And I love my friends, but I’m just too tired, too weak to move…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note to get me out of going to that place?
It really sickens me to be there, without you, all alone, it’s a cult not a mace…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note from the doctors, of why I wasn’t in school?
I missed so many days, but I just can’t help it, I’m in a drowning pool…
Dear Daddy, can you write another note to my teachers, explaining depression is just a word?
I don’t want others to worry like you do…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note to get me out of these dark times?
I really can’t take it anymore, all the nights that I cry, what did I do to deserve these crimes…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note so I don’t have to go to high school?
I want to be home schooled, I don’t want to deal, I don’t want to be cool…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note so certain people will leave me alone?
I do not want to be bothered with some people anymore, I hope they will just throw me a bone…
Dear Daddy, can you write me a note to excuse me from these sinister times?
I don’t know, to be honest, I just don’t know what to do…
Dear Daddy, can you write a note to yourself reminding me that I love you?
I am sorry if I am moody, and tired, and cold, but that’s just what I do…
Dear Daddy, can you take me home?
I want to be with my family, in our little home town, not alone…
Oh yeah and Dead Daddy, just listen to this quick little sound
My feet, they are finally back on the ground

The author's comments:
I love to write... I am individual and sometimes my poems have deeper meanings than the first thought that comes to mind. Some of my poems are contradicting but i think that many people can relate to them. -Simply Stephy

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This article has 11 comments.

bak said...
on Feb. 23 2009 at 4:32 pm
Proud of you Steph love dad

stephkayxo said...
on Jan. 28 2009 at 3:30 am
aww thankyou guys very much :]

i appreciate your comments

stephcocchia said...
on Jan. 27 2009 at 8:25 pm
stephanie lynn k. i love you with my whole heart im so proud of you. im always here for you no matter what. you know i am. your basically my sister. and we stick together. you know no matter what im here for you and like i always tell you . people bother you you tell them to suck of h** =]] i love you

Theresa B. said...
on Jan. 27 2009 at 7:04 pm
So proud of you Steph! I sure hope you are of yourself as well....your an amazing young women....stand tall....know that there are many people near who love and adore you....including me...:)

sassyvr1 said...
on Jan. 27 2009 at 5:12 pm
what i love about this peom is that we all felt that way at one time or a matter how old you are.

great job stephy k.

ps; keep writting!!

on Jan. 26 2009 at 10:11 pm
steph,i love you to death. and you know that.

i hope. i love your writings

stephkayxo said...
on Jan. 26 2009 at 10:05 pm
why thank you babe, the story is told :]

Melisker said...
on Jan. 26 2009 at 3:08 am
I love this babe, it's so amazing. it tells a story and i think it's amazing. <3

stephkayxo said...
on Jan. 26 2009 at 1:05 am
this is not about a pregnant girl, it is about my life... see, it starts from when i was in my moms stomach until who i am today. See, when i say my stomach hurts i am talking about my stomach problem. No one used to know about it because it is stress related. If i am stressed out i get sick... My parents are divorced and i went through a veryy hardd time and i still am. I kept a lot to myself in my life and didnt tell my dad what i should have told him from the beginning. I was hurt, and after reading this he knows it. But, my dad is so important because he helped me become more stable as a person. If u would care for me to explain further i will

Joy26 said...
on Jan. 20 2009 at 11:17 pm
Wow! Awesome poem, and I agree with Forky -- I like how you don't exactly stipulate that the poem is about a pregnant girl. It gives the poem a lot more suspense and deeper meaning, and I really like that; to me it says that you give a lot of thought to your poetry! Bravo!

Forky said...
on Jan. 19 2009 at 8:06 pm

Very thoughht provoking. It just makes you wonder what you (the author) was thinking as you wrote it.

Several thoughts came to my mind as I read it. One was that the speaker was a pregnant teenager. That seemed to be the best theory in my opinion.