Babies Hate Me | Teen Ink

Babies Hate Me

January 20, 2015
By octoberopal PLATINUM, San Jose, California
octoberopal PLATINUM, San Jose, California
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Babies hate me, oh, I swear,
I tickle their noses and touch their hair.
But in return, they scream and cry,
Why me? Oh why, oh why?

Babies hate me, oh, they do,
Their chewed up carrots on me they spew.
They never laugh, they never giggle,
Instead they cry or whine or sniffle.

One day I held a baby small,
It did not yell or sob at all!
I waited, and waited, and nothing came,
“He didn’t cry!” I had to exclaim.

My mother hugged me tightly, proud,
My father yelped for joy out loud.
We notified all of our aunts
and cousins, uncles, our neighbor Grant.

I do not understand it all,
How that baby, cute and small,
Just did not cry on me that day,
A bright, spring afternoon in May.

The author's comments:

I hardly ever hold people's babies, and when I do, they usually cry and scream and I have no idea what to do! But every once in a while there's that baby that sits in my arms sweetly and serenely. So even if it seems like babies hate you, have hope!

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