Follow the Leader | Teen Ink

Follow the Leader

January 7, 2009
By Rizel Bobb- Semple BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
Rizel Bobb- Semple BRONZE, Mattapan, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Follow the Leader

Monkey see,
Monkey do.
When I fly,
Then you flew.
Turn a page,
yu do too.

of my every move.
If its adoration,
well thank you.
Dear mini animation,
don't you think that your in desperate need of an imagination?

Follow the leader-
An example of unoriginality.
Perfection to non-exist,
no personality.

Leaders in this world are too few.
Your talents
are due.
Can it be true
that you need to be you?

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