Riddle Me This | Teen Ink

Riddle Me This

January 6, 2009
By Naomi Shoshani BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Naomi Shoshani BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ever had a puzzle
that was constantly on your mind?
each piece it's own device
its mysteries quite unkind

They tease and taunt your brain
every moment of every day.
telling you you'll never put them together
saying "not this way," and "not that way."

Yet still you try so hard
to get the pieces to fit.
and each try brings you closer and closer
putting it together bit by bit.

and then the day comes
when you finally figure it out.
the pieces fit together!
now you're free to lounge about.

But soon you get to thinking
that since that other puzzle you did resolve
things have become quite boring...
and off you go to find another puzzle that you can solve

It's quite a vicious cycle--those puzzles.
with the riddle playing those tricks of his.
but let me tell you, I've got a question
can you figure out what the answer is?

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