Goodbye is Forever | Teen Ink

Goodbye is Forever

January 5, 2009
By Anonymous

The days are rough
and the nights are long
I don't know how long you've been gone.
It seems as if you were here yesterday,
when we shared laughs and jokes
and sang all our favorite songs
those were the good days
when I had no doubts.
I knew you'd be there to help work things out.
But then you disappeared taking my security with you.
Now there's nothing.
You were the sun in my world of darkness,
the only thing bright when every thing else was gray.
If you could,
tell me if you would come back to me somehow,
because the tears won't stop flowing
and the hurt won't stop growing.
and i need you to know that I never got to say goodbye.

The author's comments:
This was about my uncle.
When I was 13 he shot him slef in the head.
He died two days later.
I wasn't told until after he passed.
All I wanted was to say goodbye.
A week later I was hospitilized.
That was two years ago but nothing has gotten better.
I still cry, i still hurt.
I can't go around guns, they cause to many issues.
So i wrote this for the situation.

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This article has 1 comment.

sunnysyd said...
on Jan. 27 2009 at 3:00 am
Wow, that was so deep tears sprang to my eyes. There was so much meaning in the words you could sense the pain behind them. Truly remarkable poem.