The Flame of My Love | Teen Ink

The Flame of My Love

January 5, 2009
By ~Stephy~ BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
~Stephy~ BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When we were together we loved each other very much.
But then something happened, we had to part and yet we still loved each other.
Then I made a horrible mistake and that hurt you really bad.
Which make you not love me anymore.
I'm fixing the wrong and trying to make it right.
I don't know if you still love me or not.
But I love you and always will and forever.
Whatever you say or whatever you do, you can't make me stop loving you.
We are friends and we'll see each other people.
But know matter who you are or I am with, my love will still burn.
And it will burn forever.

The author's comments:
This event was with my boyfriend and I loved him so much. But I can't be with him so I'm trying to move on.

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