We are like Stars | Teen Ink

We are like Stars

January 4, 2009
By Anonymous

We are like stars.
We go through stages in life.
We live and we die.
We interact with others,
But we still stay at a distance.
We shine brightly
Against the dark and lonely night.
We can change things around us
Making the world more interesting
And also filling it with mystery.
We have the ability to destroy life
Like bombs ready to go off
And kill everything around us.
We can create life too.
Warming it and nurturing it,
Helping it grow and thrive.
We are like stars,
We just don't live as long.

The author's comments:
I had written a poem on the same topic but I wanted to redo it because it sounded like a first grader wrote it. It's not very good in my opinion but I'm just being too hard. Unless it really is that bad.

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