Ode to the Friend from the North | Teen Ink

Ode to the Friend from the North

December 3, 2014
By franciscoseambelar SILVER, Buenos Aires, Other
franciscoseambelar SILVER, Buenos Aires, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never apologize, never explain.

What I know of the north
From the rumours and twisted history,
Set forth from a glass box onto the eyes of the planet:
I know little, but I know some.

The north has spelled countless misfortunes.
It has created bombs, and guns, and
Segregated the masses,
Cast a shadow over the beings they deem lower, though

The north has also brought life,
Its advancement, and minds.
Education driving the populations,
And with it comes a streak of light that reaches the lower lands

Yet what I have recieved from the north
Has been another relevant, though to some
Overlooked blessing, cast upon
The Argentine and the city at its center

A silver goddess,
A symbol of a friendship
Born from the broken fragments
Of longing for another land and chance to return to it

And though misunderstood by some
She prevails above all others
A caring, empathetic and admirable
Young woman, and young leader

Because it is through admiration and respect
That I look upon her and her ambitions, her
Determination to reach her goals
And reach her dreams

Fearless and elegant she overcomes all obstacles;
A she wolf as she strikes down her challenges
One by one as she takes another step forward,
Another step to victory, and to the brightness.

For bright she is,
Bright of the mind and bright of the soul;
No poison word nor traitorous tongue
Can penetrate her stone hard persona

For she knows herself
And knows those around her
And it is this that I am fond to speak of;
For she has also chosen me.

A friend and allie
It is through admiration and loyalty
That I look upon thou
For it is with every breath and thought

That I thank her for coming to me
And in the darkness that binded me then
She has flowered in my heart
A warrior, a fighter-- a friend from the north

The author's comments:

An ode that I wrote to one of my dearest friends from Belgium

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