It's the Mind | Teen Ink

It's the Mind

December 2, 2014
By Emily210 GOLD, Dimmitt, Texas
Emily210 GOLD, Dimmitt, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It came to pass. (It didn't come to stay.)


The blast of a gun

Begins our long run

I take long strides

Up the hill that is so wide

Already I want to quit

At the thought of that I feel like a nit-wit

My body tells me I can't do it

But my mind tell me that I can't quit

That... I'm strong enough

I round a curve

And certain energy is reserved

For what is up ahead

My legs feel like lead

But I keep pushing

For up ahead is the down fall

I take long fast steps and once and for all

I go even faster

For I'm nearing the finish line

And the drizzle in my glasses starts to shine

People's loud mixed cheers

Push me to my breaking point 

I cross the finish line 

"Keep walking!" A man say's

Some one grabs a piece of paper off my uniform 

And replaces it with something cold and hard

I look down at my chest 

It's a .... It's a medal!

The author's comments:

It's your mind not your body that tells you what you can and can't do. Just think positive and everything is possible.

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