Final Goodbye | Teen Ink

Final Goodbye

December 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Final Goodbye

It was a happy day
Then when she got home
Heard the sirens going
Saw the ambulance
Going down the street
Turned on the news
It said there were gunshots
Where her friend was
It was a hit and run
One boy beaten and shot
Then the telephone rang
She answered it
The voice said
I’m sorry
But there’s been an accident
She rushed to the hospital
Ran into the building
Went to the counter
The lady said
You're going to have to wait
She took a seat
Scared out of her mind
She was praying
That he would alright
Out stepped a man
He brought her turn her friend
She sat down next to him
She prayed with him
Holding his hands in hers
All of a sudden
The boy said
It’s my time to go
The girl started crying
Then she told him
Not to talk like that
She said
You’re going to make it
The boy looked down
With a sad face
Then she told him
Not to give up
Never let go
The boy looked
Straight into her eyes
And said
I'm sorry.
She squeezed his hands
Very tightly
She laid her head upon his chest
Then he brought her head up into her ear
He gently whispered
I love you
Then she saw the flat line
And heard
A straight beep
She kept holding
His hands in hers
And she cried
Promising herself
She would never forget him
Then Under her breathe
She said

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This article has 1 comment.

Bballeagle3 said...
on Jan. 10 2009 at 12:27 am
I am the writer of this poem/short story, and here is kind of a side story that goes with it


Boy was riding around his neighborhood on his bike. A few gang members jump him and beat him. When they started leaving, one turned around and shot him with a .45 caliber revolver. One other gang member yelled at him saying that wasn't part of the plan. They all ran away as the boy sat there dying and bleeding to death. He called out for help, but nobody came to help him. A few minutes later, the police and ambulance finally arrived and took the boy to the nearest hospital. The boy was barely conscious and with his little breath he told the doctors to call his friend, and respecting his last wishes, they did. She came when he was in surgery. She sat there waiting for a very long time. Finally, one of the surgeons came out and started talking to the girl. He said, "I'm sorry, we've done all we could. He has little time left. You should go and see him before it is too late."

The girl walked into his room, and there he was, having all the wires on him. He told her to come by him. She sat down, and they started talking. Shortly after, the boy passed away right as the sun started to set, and the girl started to cry.