My Depression | Teen Ink

My Depression

December 28, 2008
By AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
AshleyNichole PLATINUM, Palm Coast, Florida
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"the whole world steps aside for a man who knows where he is going" ~Anonymous

sitting here with a blank stare
not knowing why
i have hit rock bottom
i have hit depression beyond what i thought
i can't sleep even though i'm exhausted
my head is spinning more than ever
thoughts are like hurricanes and avalanches
fast, swirling, spiraling, ripping me apart
i'm in a loss for everything
i keep to myself
no smile comes along
not a crack, or giggle under my breath
seems like i'm just slowing fading away
i feel like i'm missing something
something as important as air
but what is it?
there is a void, black hole
in what has to be my heart
the one thing that can destroy us all
the weakness of the heart
how every beat keeps you alive
how if you loose someone
its as if your heart stops
it takes you down
your body fails
you become paralyzed by the thoughts
only to be able to do as i do
sit here with a blank stare
not knowing why
you have hit rock bottom

The author's comments:
I wrote this when my Grandmother was dying. I took it really hard and I'm still taking it hard. I had to release some feelings, and I came up with this.

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