Pine Trees | Teen Ink

Pine Trees

December 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Pine trees.
The smell radiates,
poking at me with its daggers.
"Let go." they hiss.
Gentle eyes fall upon me.
Blue waves crash down.
I can't breathe.
Suffocation sets in,
The slow loss of life.
Smooth hands reach out,
Pine seeps into my skin.
I lose myself.
The platform that's supported me for so long.
It's turned into a nothingness.
Where am I?
Where are you?
When did this go so wrong?
A creak.
You're next to me.
My pockets are soaked with sweat.
My limbs are white.
Arms around me.
I fall into the pine trees.
No, No, No.
I don't need to be here.
I don't want to be here.
Compliments, Concerns, Congratulations.
You're black and white.
Night and day surround me.
It's too much to take.
I'm swinging in a hammock.
That's hung in these pine trees.

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