Stagefright | Teen Ink


January 2, 2009
By Anonymous

The stage is just a wooden floor,
The crowd, another painting,
Look in my eyes, not at the door,
I will stop you from fainting,
Please, sing to me a song of joy,
Or even a song of pain,
Imagine any girl or boy,
Sitting on a window pane,
Let the song flow through you, out to
Look deep into my soul, through my
eyes and see,
That I want to help you through,
If you sing to me, I'll sing to you,
I cannot stand not knowing,
If your song will be short and quick
or long and flowing,
Ignore the stage, ignore the crowd,
Ignore me if you have to,
But sing out strong, sing out loud,
I will never laugh about you,
There's no need to be nervous,
There's no need to cry,
I'm sure your singing will be
All you have to do is try.

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This article has 1 comment.

SpecialK8rs said...
on Feb. 12 2009 at 1:25 am
Bravo! This is so true. The rhythm was a little choppy, but otherwise, I really liked it!