Country Town | Teen Ink

Country Town

November 3, 2014
By m_ashton_11 BRONZE, Lynn, Arkansas
m_ashton_11 BRONZE, Lynn, Arkansas
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Wide open pastures and fields

Smell of BBQ on the grill

Small town grocery store

Can't ask for nothing more


Chicken coops and barbed wire

Marshmallows and bon fires

Lemonade and sweet tea

This is where I love to be


Old barns and chevy trucks

Play dirty, play rough

Mudddy boots, old blue jeans

And my dog, who's name is Gene


Closest Walmart's 30 miles

But country life is worth the while

Cuz it's not all dirt and mud

It's a town filledd with love

The author's comments:

I live on a large farm and I have all of my life.  I couldn't imagine anything else.

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