Nightmare Child | Teen Ink

Nightmare Child

December 31, 2008
By Anonymous

The silence is all that is to hear

As the tired child sleeps

Drifting out from dream to fear

And the solemn sky begins to weep

A muffled cry above the dark

Swoops down to touch the child's cheek

The friction leaves a sudden spark

In which dies out, for it's rendered weak

The child stirs from the touch

Franticly turning beneath the sheets

The simple touch is all too much

For the pain has begun to seep

At first a prick and then a pinch

then the pain became to steep

Even asleep, he starts to flinch

For the child has gotten far too deep

And what he sees is not his own

It is not for him to keep

But in this world all alone

What else has he to seek?

No love in here, no life out there

So what is it that of which people speak

If all the world is completely bare

And the toughest men are all too weak?

The haunted child opens his eyes

Tears are stained upon his cheek

The world is dark, to no surprise

And, yet, it's understanding he seems to seek.

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