no time | Teen Ink

no time

October 21, 2014
By kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
kieanna BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

College, Graduation, Grades, Dance, Music, LIFE!
What am I to do when I’m running out of time
Do I follow my dreams or go with the money
What am I to do when I’m running out of time
Do I give up or just keep going
What am I to do when I’m running out of time
I might say, It’s time to throw the towel in
So much to do so little time
I might say, follow your dreams
So much to do so little time
I might say, take the easy way out
So much to do so little time
What’s worse, giving up on me or fail chasing dreams
Now we’re getting down to the wire
What’s worse, hard work or easy money
Now we’re getting down to the wire
What’s worse dancing to the beat or playing away my dreams
Now we’re getting down to the wire
This is especially true, if I chose against my dreams
The clock is ticking
This is especially true, if the money takes me
The clock is ticking
His is especially true, of the things I will wonder
The clock is ticking
But I don’t want to talk, of the things I cant accomplish

The author's comments:

Statement: Kieanna uses many literary devices to express her decisions in her poem. First, she uses syntax, and this is very important when it comes to the importance each line and statement represents. Second, she uses repetition to really persuade the reader. Third, she makes the decision to use shifting lines throughout her poem to give the reader her emotion. Kieanna uses tone to let the reader into her head. Obviously Kieanna’s mind is cluttered so the decisions she uses help us feel her mood, emotions, attitude, thoughts, and all in all she puts us in her shoes.   

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