Corner of Cold Springs | Teen Ink

Corner of Cold Springs

October 15, 2014
By Alexandria Lynn BRONZE, Bloomfield, Indiana
Alexandria Lynn BRONZE, Bloomfield, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every good story starts out in honor of a cause.
Ideas we try to keep hidden,or ones that could be lost.
but our story is different so they may not understand,
for they don't understand anything that is not strictly to plan.

Always agreeing to disagree,
we ran straight for the dangerous effortlessly.
Everything at last was so sublime,
you had my heart and I had the time.

I always ignored the terror of our reoccurring theme,
as the feeling of lust and passion fled through our youthful minds.
but How could run from something that is injected into my blood stream,
We collided like fire; so beautifully intertwined.

With my stubborn disconcerting ways,
mixed with your self consumed remarks.
We harbored something so magnificently forbidden,
it was to late to disembark.

As i digress our affair was suppressed,
we where labeled as uncomfortably stressed.
Only in certain places can true love thrive.
your words cut me deep,but they help me survive.

So take me back to the Corner of Cold Springs,
where you first gave me that heart clinching sting.
Holding me inches away from my unprotected flaws,
this is our story...we are the cause.

The author's comments:

This poem discribes the unbearably magical adventure of my first love.

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