The Abandoned House | Teen Ink

The Abandoned House

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Lost on an abandoned road,
Wander, waiting for a sign of life.
Everything’s dead.
The dreary day grows darker still,
As I grown only tired.
Nobody comes.
A house popping out,
In the distance,
In shambles breaking down.
The clouds grow thicker,
The storm awaits it’s screaming burst of energy.
Climbing up each stair creaks,
Darker inside than out.
Winds grow to a shriek,
So loud I can’t hear my heart.
Blocking my ears,
Eyes shut tight,
‘Til all grows still.
I open my eyes to the piles of wood.
The abandoned house beyond the hill,
Hasn’t existed for awhile now,
And now I remember…

I’m dead.

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This article has 1 comment.

Twix!! said...
on Jan. 19 2009 at 1:46 am
Wow the ending caught be off guard I must confess lol! Its so good, I really enjoyed it :) Amazing how young people can write like that and still never get taken seriously...well at least for me hehe...good one, definitely one of my faves :D