I Am Just A Person | Teen Ink

I Am Just A Person

December 18, 2008
By Anonymous

Dressed in many colors,
With joy spread cheek-to-cheek.
Embracing my whole culture,
So different and unique.

And I ask how I was made,
From where, from which, from whom.
Finding my true colors;
New traditions I will bloom.

Americans coast-to-coast,
Create our melting pot,
Millions with diversity;
Relatives we long sought.

Within this land of culture,
We see, we learn, we judge.
We pick apart each other.
We sometimes hold a grudge.

But I am just a person;
The same as the whole lot;
For all hold equal beauty,
A skin color I am not

The author's comments:
My creative writing class was assigned to write an art poem, and I have a great interest in abstract art, specifically painting. I came across the most emtional photo. It was an oil painting of a girl's face, yet it wasn't typical. The painting was constructed of many shapes and lines of color. I started to imagine America's melting pot and the diversity it includes. Though I could not find a title for the art piece, it was created by Marten Jansen. Her art was my great inspiration.

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