Broken Hearts | Teen Ink

Broken Hearts

September 30, 2014
By LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
LaurenAllisonK SILVER, Paragould, Arkansas
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Broken-hearts are souls in search of purpose, like lost travelers following a mistaken path. Such puzzled living creatures are they; looking for a place to turn away from devastation's storm. In reality, there's no freedom of escaping, no human to trust but yourself. Healing comes only through walking out the path, but only the strongest of hearts know how to break memory's bondage. Unaware hearts know only the traumatizing, painful struggle that comes from their innermost wounds. It is up to the healed hearts, those who have won the battle over their own selves, to make the pathway clear. As for the wise hearts, they shall follow.

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