Pieces of a Girly-Girl | Teen Ink

Pieces of a Girly-Girl

December 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I am from nightgowns not sleepers,
Ruffled panties,
And socks with bells.
I am from bedtime stories and lullabies,
Rocking with daddy,
And dancing with mommy.
I am from a pink stroller,
Overflowing with baby dolls.
I am from the Wizard of Oz,
The Great Mouse Detective,
The Rescuers,
And Jungle Book
Watched so much they broke.
I am from Hanson, Spice Girls,
And Backstreet Boys.
I am from green beans and mashed potatoes,
And banana pops when feeling bad.
I am from the race to the last tomato
In the spaghetti sauce.
I am from many hugs and kisses,
From three older brothers,
And an uncle’s return from Saudi,
Tears in his eyes.
I am from a house full of people;
A circus
Yet we fit together like a honey comb.

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