Why can't life be like lip gloss? | Teen Ink

Why can't life be like lip gloss?

December 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Shimmering in the light,
It is the chocolate to the cherries,
The cinnamon to the tea,
The frosting for all women.
A true classic,
Bottled with optimism and
Capped with confidence,
It is a new window to look through,
Crafted of the finest rose-colored glass.
It sparkles.
It shines.
A color and a shade
For each individual,
Shielding naked lips from the raw elements and
Doubling as fine holiday wear.
Mistletoe mouths make
Sweet smiles of tired faces.
Oh, why can’t life be like
Lip gloss?
If a mistake is made
In the painting,
A kerchief effaces it—
No harm, no foul
A blank canvas
Replacing every blunder
Whereas in life,
All errors bear a consequence,
Just or unjust,
Gentle or torturous.
Never a day to live
And simply let live.
Wouldn’t it be grand
If life was like
Lip gloss?

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